Very Rev. Fr. Philip Vaikathukaran, Manager
St. Aloysius College is committed to uphold the vision of our founding fathers who strove hard to mould our students into global citizens with academic excellence and integrity of character. The college constantly strives to soar the heights of intellectual competence by refining the thoughts, feelings and deeds of our learners. Together let us carry forward this tradition of education, dedication and character-building which our ancestors have passed on to us with utmost care and trust.
Though the beginnings were tough and challenging, the vision of our forefathers has borne fruits. I pray that God continue to shower His choicest blessings on the members of the Aloysian family and on all their endeavours.
Let us try to enrich ourselves with meaningful curricular transactions and diverse perceptions. Wish you all the best!
With warm regards,
Very Rev. Fr. Philip Vaikathukaran
Manager, St. Aloysius College, Edathua.