College Library is the nerve centre of all the academic activities of the college. It provides a place where teachers and students can pursue research and study unhampered by noise or any other disturbance. Its facilities and services exist solely to cater to the needs of the academic community of the college. The college library, which is a repertoire of rich knowledge resources with a collection of over 35100 books and subscription of top periodicals and journals is the key source of academic assistance to the community. The college library is located in the main campus on the ground floor wqith a ttotal area of 47675.25 sq ft with a total seating capacity of 70. Library starts functioning at 8.30 a.m and closes at 5.00 p.m. on all working days, providing resources and materials that support the educational, professional, and personal information needs of our students, faculty and staff.
There are special sections for reading, lending and reference. Internet browsing is also available. The library is fully computerized and digitalized with Machine Readable Catalogue facility for searching and Bar-coding for detection and transparency. Students and teachers visit the Library regularly and make use of the digital and print resources provided. The library is automated with the software KOHA versiob 21.05 for the overall management of library operations. Our Library is available 24×7 and Dspace is used for digital library which is also available always online. Our library KOHA is available through the IP and for Dspace. Books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme 22nd edition. We provide open access facility in the library actualising the prime objective of providing the right information for the right user at the right time. The collection includes print documents as well as electronic documents.
The Library Block Consists of:-
- General Reference Section
- Periodical Section
- Digital Library
- Stock Room with Lending Section
- Malayalam Section
- Newspaper Reading Section
- Reprographic Corner
- Archive