The Anti-narcotic cell of St. Aloysius College, Edathua, has been constituted to maintain a drug-free campus with the support of the teachers, students, parents and the entire college community. A vigilant committee has been formed to execute the cell’s functions and impart awareness against the use of drugs inside the campus. Educating the students about the negative impact of all types of drug addictions, encouraging peer policing among students against the use of drugs and reporting any noticed use of drugs by the students are also the duties of the Anti-narcotic cell. The cell organizes seminars, poster campaigns and rallies, against the use of tobacco and drugs in the College and its vicinity.
The main goal of anti-narcotic cell is to enhance the students’ awareness and understanding of the harmful social and health effects of illicit drug use. The cell officials keep close contact with the excise and police departments and arrange programs to make the students aware of the strong legal force working against narcotics.
Following are the member of Anti – Narcotic cell.
- Lt. Dr. Jubin Antony (Dept. of Mathematics) 8547885847
- Mr. Paul Jacob (Dept. of English) 9495164323
- Dr. Lakshmi Vijayan (Dept. of Physics) 9446478300
- Mr. Babu K. Thomas (Dept. of Physics) 9447122209
- Mr. Nikhil Johnson (Student Representative)