St. Aloysius College, Edathua, Alappuzha, Kerala, India

External Examinations

UG Programmes

The student is required to secure a separate minimum of 30% marks each for internal and external (for both theory and practical). The student is required to secure an aggregate minimum of 35% for a pass for a course. For theory courses without practicals, there shall be a maximum of 80 marks for external evaluation and maximum of 20 marks for internal evaluation. For theory courses with practicals there shall be a maximum of 60 marks for external examination and maximum of 15 marks for internal evaluation. The practical examination is conducted only in even semesters.  There shall be a maximum of 40 marks for external evaluation of practical courses. The maximum marks for internal evaluation of practical courses is 10. 

For all courses (theory & practical), grades are given on a 07-point scale based on the total percentage of marks. 
Grade % Marks Grade Point Performance
S 95 – 100 10 Outstanding
A+ 85 – 95 9 Excellent
A 75 – 85 8 Very Good
B+ 65 – 75 7 Good
B 55 – 65 6 Above Average
C 45 – 55 5 Satisfactory
D 35 – 45 4 Pass
F < 35 0 Fail
For a pass in a programme, a separate minimum of Grade D is required for all the individual courses. If a candidate secures F Grade for any one of the courses offered in a Semester/Programme only F grade will be awarded for that Semester/Programme until he/she improves this to D grade or above within the permitted period. Candidate who secures D grade and above will be eligible for higher studies.

PG Programmes

Students are graded based on their performance (GPA/SGPA/CGPA) at the examination on a seven-point scale as given below.

Range Grade Indicator
4.50  – 5.00 A+ Outstanding
4.00 – 4.49 A Excellent
3.50 – 3.99 B+ Very Good
3.00 – 3.49 B Good (Average)
2.50 – 2.99 C+ Fair
2.00 – 2.49 C Marginal (Pass)
Up to 1.99 D Deficient (Fail)
No separate minimum is required for internal evaluation for a pass, but a minimum C Grade is required for a pass in an external evaluation. However, a minimum C grade is required for pass in a course. Grievance Redressal Mechanism Students can avail the grievance redressal mechanism instituted by the University. Students can request recounting AND/ OR revaluation of answer scripts by registering in the University students’ portal. The link for the MG University revaluation portal is given below